
Am not alone

Today I was with two T1DM boys in a room. There was a sharing session with diabetics during MDES 2013.

The feeling was so close, as if I have been searching so long, suddenly I found them who actually share the same similarity with me.

They understand...

  • What hypoglycemia unawareness was all about.
  • How negative feeling strikes me when I woke up realising that I went to sleep without injecting pre-bed insulin due to hypoglycemia unawareness.
  • How restless I am, thinking of my sugar level all day long.
  • How disgraceful some people were, judging the way I was diagnosed and the way I managed my diabetes.
  • How important it is, for someone to come and hug me a little and tell me that they understand how much I have gone through.

After that sharing session, I went and approached the endocrinologist, Prof Wu who was the one organising this session.

Perhaps, I should change my insulin regime to human analog type. 
Hypoglycemia is seriously making me tired. restless.
And I really hate Yo-Yo sugar level :(


8765 hours for 5678

I went to Malaysian Diabetes Educator Society (MDES) seminar today. A fruitful day.

I learnt this from Dr Alexander, an endocrinologist from UMSC today. And these figures open up my eyes again for diabetes management. How serious diabetes can become if I do not manage it properly. Anddd ONLY I myself can do something for my diabetes in that 8765 hours.

1 Day  = 24 Hours
1 Year = 365.25 Days
One year = 8766 hours

Let's do a rough calculation. If I were to see endocrinologist 15 minutes for every visit, every three months, cumulatively would be one hour in a year. 

The other 8765 hours, I would be ON MY OWN.
For 8765 hours, I will be my own endocrinologist, dietitian, diabetes educator, pharmacist and etc.

"Why we do not have cholesterol educator or hypertension educator? Why there are only diabetes educators (DE)? Because diabetes is very complicated and it is all about educating your patients. When doctors and all other healthcare professions are absent, the patient is the one who is responsible to monitor all these by her/himself." Dr Alex

So what is 5678?
Fasting blood sugar level of 5-6 mmol/L
Non-fasting blood sugar level of 7-8 mmol/L

I will definitely remember these 8765 for 5678 for my whole life from now on.


Hypo = Sleepy?

I woke up at 5.45am this morning. And just now at 10pm, I was feeling really tired.
Wanted to inject my bed time insulin and sleep.
Check sugar. And Ta-daaaa!

Okay, now I know why I was so sleepy. Runnnn for sugar!