
Work & T1D (1)

The last blog entry was in June?! Okay my bad...

I just finished my last semester at university. Gonna celebrate my convocation on 28th October 2013!
Was busy with these things, while I was away abandoning my blog:

Graduation trip
I went to Cameron and Hatyai Thailand. And became all so enjoyed that I think my sugar has been a little bit over-joyed too *which is bad you know

Work hunting
I went to a total of 4 job interviews and finally I got offered to work as a nutritionist in a Nova retail supplement shop in a shopping mall.

None of the hospital dietitian job asks me for an interview. *watery eyes, sighed Or maybe my mom was right, I shouldn't have written down my health status on the every resumes that I sent out. *dramatic watery eyes, sighed And I did experience during one interview that the interviewer kept on asking about my T1D side effects during Uni time and then end up wondering if I am suitable to work. *dramatic eye rolling, still sighed

So, conclusion is social stigma does exist in everywhere, including healthcare field. *dramatic tears flowing, sighed

Okay. It is understandable. It is alright. Because for the next job application, I will just delete my health status part of my resume. (Why am I so honest sometimes, argh!) By the way, I do not mean that I will lie to the interviewers about my T1D. Perhaps if they were to ask, then only I will tell. (So ya, to mention or not to mention, is optional)

I know you will ask me, so how did you get the offer at Nova since social stigma is everywhere?!
Well, it happened like this...

Interviewer: So just now you have told me about your strengths. Now can you tell me about your weaknesses?
Me: Err...my weakness...(suddenly can't think of any weaknesses, have been very confident since the interview started LOL)
Interviewer: Like punctuality? Or hard to communicate with higher education people? 
Me: (No...those are not my weaknesses *still thinking) Oh yea. I have a something, which you might see it as a weakness, but I actually see it as a strength for me to work as a nutritionist.
Interviewer: Oh really, what is it?
Me: I am a Type 1 Diabetic patient. So, I can understand what the public is interested to know about nutrition and health. Example, if one day a person with diabetic or hypertension comes to me, I know better about what they want or what they would like to know about supplements.
Interviewer: Oh that's great. Anyway, you don't like a sick person. I mean you are looking so healthy!

Thank god my interviewer is a pharmacist, if not he will start confusing himself on T1D and T2D. 
So, at the end of the interview, he gladly asked me when I can start work! Woohoo! Boss is so open-minded on T1D! :)

Till then, I hope I can survive on retail shop working hours and hopefully I manage to find a dietitian job in hospital ASAP! :)


  1. patient and dietitian, very special combination in your life, anyway, enjoy it

  2. Hi...I'm glad finally found a blogger with T1 from Malaysia....I'm a T1 diagnosed in 2007 (18 years old). I faced the same problem for my first job...I am an electrical and electronics engineer...I was already offered the job and then got rejected after a blood test because the in-house doctor certified I was not fit for the job. Thankful with that incident as now I'm in a better company whereby my employer did not consider my T1 as a hindrance to my job....=)
    So far i have not found any1 around my age with T1 in Malaysia...Hope to get to know you so we can share stuffs about T1...Tc...

    1. Hi hello! I diagnosed in 2007 too (17 years old) Do you have a blog? I am glad that you found a job that suits you the most :) Nice knowing you too because I hardly find anyone T1D around my age in Malaysia LOLL

    2. Hi...so that makes us 6 years into D journey...I don't have a blog but I love reading blogs of people with T1 and yours is the first Malaysian blog I found so far. Where are you currently seeking treatment??

    3. Can you share your email to me? mine is chiabingshin@gmail.com
      Currently seeking treatment in Klinik Kesihatan (Im taking my insulin there), PPUKM and sometimes UMSC. How about you? Please reply me in email :)
