
When I can't feel it anymore

At 10.30pm, I was reading some posts in Facebook.
I was feeling kinda sleepy but I 不以为意 (never bother about it).
Then, my mom came to my room asking me some questions that I couldn't respond.
Why I couldn't respond? Is her question too tricky? too hard?

I realised something must be wrong. Took my glucometer and pricked my finger.
This is what I had.

This reading explains why I thought her question was too tricky. I was totally confused!

Yes yes yes...I studied about the sign and symptoms of hypoglycemia. All on my finger tips.
There are:
  • Cold sweating
  • Trembling
  • Blurred vision
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of consciousness and etc etc

But, what happened just now was NO SWEAT, NO SHAKE, NO BLURRED VISION.
This is Hypoglycemia UnawarenessHypoglycemia is a DANGER.
And guess how creepy it is when you are unaware of a danger.
Hypo is very creepyyyy!

I went downstairs to have a ace-light Yakult and 3 Tablespoon of honey drink
1/2 hour later, this is what I got.

Okay, so I went to have 3 Tbsp of honey drink again
And now at 12.00am, my sugar went up to almost reaching the sky of  8.2mmol!

Very interesting. you creepy.


Never stop believing

I couldn't sleep yesterday night until 5am this morning only I can sleep.
P/S: Was hugging bolster. Crying hard. Guess I just miss him.

Now I am crying again watching this video.

I have goosebumps watching this. Every second touches my heart. *Isn't she beautiful? :')

T1DM is living with pokes, needles and pain everyday.
T1DM is difficult to be spontaneous.
T1DM is a 24/7 battle.
T1DM makes our lives different

Insulin is not a cure. But a treatment to keep us alive.

There is no cure for T1DM. But, NEVER STOP BELIEVING!


Recycling strip boxes

One day I will use up 2 test strips. Within 2 weeks I will finish one box of 25 test strips.

So,       1 month     = 50 strips
            1 year        = 600 strips = 24 boxes

5 years of being diabetic, I should have stored about 120 boxes! Woohoo I like this number! :p

Unfortunately, I threw away most of them. And now suddenly I thought of storing them can be good.

Why good? Let me list down things that I can do with them.

1) Sweet tooth box- I can simpan (keep) all my milk tooth in these test strip boxes. Then at night, my tooth fairy will come hehe :p

2) Crafts and arts- I should have done some art work with these boxes. Honestly these boxes are of really good quality :)

3) Store coins?
4) Store cotton wool?
5) Store errrr secret paper notes?

Somemore what I can do with these boxes, instead of throwing them away. Hmmm...let me think...


Let's pray for good reading tomorrow

I have left only ONE strip. And I just agak-agak (roughly) estimate my sugar level now and decided on 14unit of insulatard.

That ONE strip left is for early morning tomorrow to check if hyperglycemia again (touch wood)

And I do not want hypo also. I hate hypo the most early in the morning because I look like a dumbo and nobody likes me and they stare at me and they blame me when I am hypo.

Please sugar, be good to me.
Okay pray hard.


First post

Alright. Year 2013 and I am starting my first post today

Would like to share about my feelings and my daily routine being a Type 1 diabetic, after 5 years being diabetic haha

Hope it is not too late :)