
Why dietetics?

The decision that I make today, will determine where I will be tomorrow. 
The food that I eat now, will determine my sugar level later on.
The insulin that I inject now, will determine the amount of food that I can eat later on.
The present control of diabetes, will determine the complications that I may get in the future *touch wood

Before I pursued the Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics, I actually wanted to study pharmacy. I made up my mind to study pharmacy right after I graduated from Form 5 (high school). I applied all relevant scholarships with PHARMACY course as the first choice only.
And the only reason is...I wanted to get the cheapest but the best INSULIN in handy hahahaha

So, why am I a dietitian today?
People tell me not to eat rice or meehun or rice-made products because all these can cause diabetes #diabetesfoodmyth
People tell me that my mother must have been eating too much durian while she was pregnant with me #diabetesfoodmyth
People tell me that I should be on a low or no carbohydrates diet #diabetesfoodmyth
People tell me that I should not eat durian for the rest of my life (gosh, why so cruel to me) #diabetesfoodmyth
People tell me that I get hungry because there are too much sugars in my blood (I was hungry because...I was really hungry okay) #diabetesfoodmyth

People tell me don't eat this, eat that or eat that, don't eat this.
But they never tell me why. They never tell me how much I can actually take. They never explain to me. 
T1D already is very frustrating at times, all these claims sometimes aggravate the frustration. 

I need to inject insulin. But there are only 4 types of insulin for the moment. 

I need to enjoy food. For there are hundreds types of food!
Seriously, I have to stop all these #diabetesfoodmyth.

That is how T1D plays a role in determining this future of mine.
(Just one part, not being the whole part of determining :p)

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