
10 good things about diabetes

Obviously I hate diabetes. I can list down thousands of bad things about diabetes. I actually crack my head for these 10 good ones. 

But, life is about finding simple happiness even at your toughest moment, right? 
Yes, so today I am going to list out 10 good things about #T1DM, for me, at least. 

#1: Toleration to needles.

One example of toleration: I always do my injections in the car. Mostly moving cars. For countless time.

#2: Toleration to blood scene.

I have bigger response when I see a huge pimple on my face, than when I smear blood on my white bed sheet/cloth.

#3: Better diet. Better lifestyle.

I eat mindfully. I eat well for the sake of diabetes control. (I eat all the things that you eat, just that I eat with IQ and EQ and whatever QQQ, for most of the time)

#4: More health checks.

I draw blood every 3 months. I see the doctor 4 times/year. I check my eyes yearly. (Hmm not sure if visiting to hospital for health checks so frequently is a good thing lol)

#5: Mutual stranger friends.

I chat with T1D strangers. Can't believe I actually talked to strangers spontaneously. And yeah, now I enjoy making friends with strangers now! (Of course, strangers with T1D only la)

#6: I learn not to judge people.

Because some people irritated me so much when they judge me just by seeing some numbers. So, I promised that I will not give the same irritating feelings to other people.

#7: People concern about you more.

Actually, I am not sure if it's a good thing or what. I tend to back off a little bit when someone keeps an extra eye on me, because they think I am very vulnerable. lolll. (I will feel geli/awkward a bit when someone concerns about me overly, but deepest appreciation from me!)

#8: Wonderful sweet treats at home.

There is always chocolate in the fridge. Juice box in the fridge. Candies on the table. Coke in the car and Mentos in your pocket. (For hypo's sake)

#9: A reason to excuse yourself.

When people want to offer you more alcohol or extra food, and you actually don't feel like taking any more. Just tell them, sorry, you may offer other people. 

#10: Job employment.

Ah! Something new right? Last time I used to think that companies might not want to employ me because I am unfit/unwell. But now, totally different. Because I might be in a better position to do that job, than other well people.

Memes from http://imagestointrigue.blogspot.com/2012/03/exclusive-memes.html


HbA1c (%)

If you notice the changes in the HbA1c reading over the right sidebar of my blog, my HbA1c has been increasing steadily (not dramatically) over the past 10 months.

HbA1c is an indicator of diabetes control over a period of 3 months. Further explanation, click here.

HbA1c & Average BG level
5% = 5.5 mmol/L
6% = 7.5 mmol/L                     
7% = 9.4 mmol/L                     
8% = 11.4 mmol/L                   
9% = 13.3 mmol/L                   
10% = 15.3 mmol/L                     
11% = 17.2 mmol/L                     
12% = 19.2 mmol/L                   


Saw my endo in August and she sort of like teased me: Ha! I thought you're a dietitian? Why HbA1c increased?
But, I am still very much a lay-man patient, doctor! I do my part as patient in counting the food that I eat. But, sometimes diabetes stories are complicated. (very complicated)

So Dawn Phenomena it is. And we decided to change my insulin to Analogue Insulin (I always wanted to start using analogue insulin. It was just that the government clinic refuses to prescribe, because they don't think my HbA1c is dangerous enough *sighed)

Started my MDI (multiple daily injections) with Novorapid and Lantus. I would say very good! As for now, I don't get morning high BG with unknown reason anymore. I go to bed with in-range BG and woke up with in-range BG. I am very glad :)

Just that...I have to pay more. lolll.
Following up with endo again end of this month. And will need her help to refer me to government specialist clinic. 

Later on, the next big thing is: Get An Insulin Pump! (which costs like a second-hand Perodua car in Malaysia)

I need sponsor a lil bit, also I need to work harder and smarter to cover necessary expenses for that pump! I simply can't wait! :)

This pump key chain is too cute!



Finally, I understand why I cried like shit yesterday night.

  • Feeling all burnout by diabetes.
  • Feeling being bullied so much by the neighbour
  • Feeling nobody understands me.
  • Feeling so goddamn 委屈. 
Because today is the first day of period

Hormones really mess up my life. lol.

credits to http://www.theredheadriter.com/

20 Facts About Me

OMG no entry for the whole August.

(Note: Last fact is a !!!)
  1. I never have long hair for more than a year. (Yes, I love how I expose my neck with short hair)
  2. I remember playing Lego in my childhood, not Barbie Doll.
  3. My left ear is higher than my right ear. (That's why my spectacles are always senget/slanted)
  4. I seldom cry. But when I do cry out suddenly with the most meaningless reason, most probably is due to hypo.
  5. I cannot sing well and cannot remember lyrics well. (Perhaps, that's why I cannot sing well?)
  6. I can swim pretty fast with breast stroke. (And I am very proud of it)
  7. I swim only in the swimming pool. Only in chlorinated clear water.
  8. I get goosebumps seeing those deep dark sea water or lake water which looks like Anaconda is in it. (That's why I only swim in the swimming pool)
  9. I am afraid of fish.
  10. I cannot clean a fish, even the smallest ikan bilis/anchovy (I guess I am afraid of living things that are dead with opened eyes)
  11. But, I eat fish. 
  12. And I can prepare and cook fish fillet. (Maybe because the fish head has already been removed lolll)
  13. My highest recorded weight was 49kg. (I weighed around 45kg now)
  14. My highest recorded BG was 49 too, in mmol/L. (Yes DKA, and I was diagnosed then)
  15. I am the youngest girl in the family. Blessed with three wonderful elder brothers. 
  16. I am a dietitian by profession. Also, I just passed my insurance agent exam! (I wanted to understand what insurance is all about. Also, to accept the fact that I can't buy health insurance anymore. lol *sighed)
  17. I have a S-shaped Scoliosis. (The backbone is S-shaped, not my body shape is S lolll)
  18. I am a patient. A Type 1 diabetic 24/7.
  19. I am the first one in history in my family tree to have diabetes. (I hope I am the last one)
  20. My last asthma attack was 10 years ago. (When is the day that I can finally say: my last insulin injection was......)