

Today is the yearly eye check up. Like always:
  • See doctor. 
  • Put dilating eye drops. Dilate my pupils in order to view the back of my eye balls more clearly.
  • In less than 15 minutes, vision got a little bit blur already, suggesting the focusing muscle in eyes very relax now. 
  • Waited for almost half an hour, so that the pupils enlarge big enough. I almost slept because I just sat there, doing nothing (had a hard time looking at my phone screen, too blurred vision!).
  • Finally doctor called me in. 
  • She had all the necessary checking done in 15 minutes.
  • Everything in the eyes are good. Good job in 8 years of diabetes!
  • Of course, TCA (to come again) in a year's time. 

I wonder how much time I have spent and will be spending in my life for hospital visits. Being one of the youngest in the clinic, while others are mostly elderly. People looked up to me when I entered the clinic, scanned through me. Some curious ones would ask: You're here to check what? I would just smile and say just normal regular check up :)

I observed people while waiting for my turn. People came with their children, came with their life partners or came alone like me, waiting for our calling numbers. All of them have their own worries: physically, emotionally or financially. I must have shown the same kind of expression on my face too. Ha! That's life!

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