

This morning's FM radio gave me a link between nutrition, lifestyle, and genetic. 
On the first day when your relatives and friends knew that your profession is Dietetics. They will start asking questions like these...

: I want my hair to grow thicker, what should I eat?
: I want to grow taller la, what can I eat har? Calcium supplement?
: I hor...want to have bigger breast, you recommend what type of cooking method with papaya?
: I want to have fairer skin leh, which herbs will work for me?
: I think my eyesight power getting serious la, you think eat carrot will work anot?
(Typical Malaysian-Asking-Style)

A dietitian can help you in answering nutrition questions because she is an expert in nutrition. But, think twice if you were to see a self-claimed nutrition expert who keeps on promoting a single supplement/product, without revealing the reality about all nutrients work in the same boat. Not forgetting lifestyles and genetics are all in the same boat as well.
Nutrition has never worked alone all these while

Questions about hair amount, height, breast size, skin color are all generally related to genes. I can help you in getting better and healthier hair, stronger bone, how to properly proceed with exclusive breastfeeding after delivery and how to have a hydrated moisturizing skin. But, altering a gene expression which is already there in your body for more than decades already, sorry that I am helpless. I know Nutritional Genomics is a Hit Topic right now, but please don't confuse with gene-diet-disease related topic.

A person with a sufficient daily supply of nutrients, but without a good proper habit/lifestyle, I can guarantee nutrition will not help you much. As mentioned earlier, nutrition does not work alone. If you're an IT person or a student, and facing laptop everyday is something that you could not afford to avoid, will more carrot or bilberry or healthy fats work for you? Yes, they will. 


Provided you practice the "20·20·20" rule. Every 20 minutes, Rest your eyes for 20 seconds and Look 20 feet away from your laptop (adapted from LiteFM this morning). Now that you are taking care of all factors in the same boat. Even if genes were to be the culprit, believe me, it will take time to happen :)

Okay, I should actually take 20 minutes rest now! :p


  1. well written. I shall adapt that 20-20-20 starting from now!
