
Can I trust my A1c?

After revising my analogue insulin regime, calculating my Insulin to Carbs Ratio (ICR) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF) with my endo...

Jeng Jeng Jeng Jengggg. I got my A1c blood test back to me yesterday: 7.3 %
Fuiyohh (Omg) it's like the highest number on that lab paper ever in my life.
(If you notice the right bar in my blog, the numbers were actually climbing up)

So, I messaged my mom. I decided not to call her because I know what she gonna say, anyhow she gave me a kinda long reply message (刻苦铭心,用心良苦 from-the-bottom-of-heart and well-intentioned kinda message). 

Considering those reading my blog now, please do not give me that "Aren't you a dietitian?" look. Please let me have the chance to express my internal feelings as a patient on intensive insulin therapy. 

Let me review these 3 months back...
  • Lesser hypoglycemic episodes (used to be once every 4-5 days on average)
  • Sugar high (about 8-15mmol/L) while I was adjusting my insulin to find out the right ICR and ISF.
  • A1c 7.3% gives me an average of sugar level 9mmol/L. (hmmm fair enough)
  • So, I can say: Those previous blood tests of lower A1c at 6.5% were probably falsely low because hypo episodes were very frequent. And therefore, those hypos numbers actually even out all the high numbers, leading to a lower A1c (%)? 
  • Check this with the endo, she said yes it could be!
  • All of a sudden, a realization that A1c can only be trusted after a good review. 
I have to work hard for a lower A1c next round. It's not easy, but I must do it! Already forward my A1c reading to my family, bf and friends, please keep an eye on me and encourage me! :p 

Saw that there is this new insulin pump-sensor combination system being approved by FDA: Animas Vibe Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitor System. The whole DOC is so excited about it. Unfortunately, I don't see it coming in Malaysia yet. 

Planning to get the Metronic pump in Mid December. Will join the 1 month pump trial first. *finger crossed

From www.medcomic.com

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