
Beijing trip

Came back two days ago from Beijing. For a Malaysian, the weather in Beijing was very very tremendously cold.
In Malaysia, the average temperature is about 27 degree Celcius. And the warmest can go up to 33 degree Celcius.

And guess what happen to my sugar when I was at Beijing, where the temperature was 20 to 30 degree Celcius LOWER!

My body burnt sugar like crazy. I checked my sugar every 4 hours. hypo-checked again-hypo.  Forever getting a reading of < 4mmol/L. At the end of the day, I became PIK CIK (very frustrated).

Before I went Beijing, I read some articles saying that China's food is mainly carbohydrate food. Diabetics may tend to experience hyperglycemia, rather than hypoglycemia due to consumption of high carbo containing food. I ate the same amount of food, with less unit of insulin dose. at the end, hypo also! Blame the weather *narrowing eyes

Hence, I ate more food with less insulin dose for the first 2 days. Perhaps I was too happily eating carbo food without worrying. On the third day. Finally. The rumour of getting hyperglycemia (Guess maybe my body was starting to adapt to the lower temperature already).

Seriously, 5 years of relationship. Sometimes, I really don't quite understand you sugar.


After so long...

I am going Beijing on tomorrow. Midnight's flight. 

It's Chinese New Year first day already :)
And it is the first time I am not in Malaysia for CNY.

For me, what is CNY?
It is celebrating, greeting and not-so-my-style day (because I usually just hide at home)
It is eating and drinking all day long (Since I was diagnosed with T1DM, I never eat or drink like no body's business)
It is GAMBLE SEASON! (Yeah all I can remember is gambling. All cousins gathered in a circle and put money in front and start praying for good cards :p)

And after so long...
5 years, this is the first time I am travelling outside of Malaysia with T1DM in me.
I am kinda afraid.
Afraid of the airport security checking my needles.
Afraid of incidents of hypoglycemia.
Afraid of body not getting used to the currently cold weather in Beijing.
Afraid of all so troublesome things to do with my disease!
OMG. Calm down...It gonna be alright...

Anyhowww *being random
Another thing that has kept me excited for so longgg...
Finally I received my INSTAX MINI 8!
It is in a pretty pastel yellow colour. I am so in love with it :)

And I made an album for my instax :)

At last, please wish me a safe trip. Less haze and less cold in Beijing pleaseeee



Insulin is a type of hormones. I myself, my poor pancreas no longer produces this hormone. So I have to take insulin from outside, through injections.

And what makes diabetes hard to control is I am a FEMALE.
I have other hormones like estrogen and progesterone that might interfere the efficiency of insulin in taking up glucose in blood. These estrogen and progesterone are especially high during ovulation period.

I guess during the PMS days, not only my MOOD is affected, my ACNE starts popping up and most important is my SUGAR is affected too!

Therefore, I have to decide on a higher unit of Insulatard (pre-bed insulin) for the time being. 
But, a higher unit of pre-bed insulin might cause NOCTURAL HYPOGLYCEMIA too.
This really frustrates me alots! ARGH!

p/s: PLEASE my dear hormones, you all are one big family which made up of polypeptides, for goodness sake, can't you all just treat each other well and fair?! *eye rolling sighed


Victim or Boss?

I wana be the latter.

I just need time and effort.
Please stay strong. He will not come to your dream tonight.