
#001 Sarcastic

It's like ten thousands days since my last post. I have to admit that I have been lazy to write, not busy.

Currently, I am working in an insulin pump company, seeing diabetes patients everyday (and I do on call at night too!). Working day and night, but helping people like me is like bigggg satisfaction ever. 

So now, get the engine ready for my blog posts again!

True story #001
Today I started pump/ diabetes education for a new patient. R is a type 2, middle aged. 

In the mid of teaching her, suddenly her boss came in and asked me to open the fridge in a tone that was very poker-facely. First, I was shocked because he didn't even allow me to say hello first. Second, I just only realised that there is actually a fridge inside R's room. Third, I was like: Is that an order for me? Why would I simply open a fridge that does not belong to me?  I hesitated, I did not open. Then he repeated: Open the fridge. Okay fine. I opened the fridge wide, thinking what kind of monster will jump out of the fridge. 

To my amazement, there were just mineral waters, packaged drinks, and a couple pieces of cakes. Food that are usually found in an office fridge. And he asked, "What are those?". I said, "Food?" (lolll because his face was so poker! Who knows if what I saw are not food)

In the meanwhile, I could see R was totally ignoring him, complete awkward breeze in that room. I was like in the middle of them, not too sure what I should do next, till I finally figured out what the boss was trying to convey to me.

I really wanted to make things cool, so I told him that actually I am a person with diabetes too, and... He looked surprised, but his words were: "You should really see what's inside your fridge".

Alright, there you go, the little red man inside my head @#!$%&@#$


"Food is not the cause for diabetes to happen and this fridge is shared by all staffs right?"

Guess what? R's boss is a doctor.

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