
Do not judge me

  1. Forget to inject pre-bed insulin, Insulatard at night, then went to bed. Woke up the next day, hyper.
  2. Pre-meal insulin, Actrapid has finished and I have to take Insulatard for my main meal.
  3. Injecting Actrapid only after the main meal.
  4. Fell asleep in the classroom with lecturer right in front of me due to hypoglycemia.
  5. Was so so so hypo and yet I can't figure out why my mind keep telling myself not to eat so much sugar suggesting that this will cause hyperglycemia.
  6. I was hypo and I knocked my car to the side of the road. Was still trying very hard to start the car over and over again in a hypo state.
  7. Was hypo during my SPM Pendidikan Moral exam. I knew it was happening because I couldn't figure out what "nilai-nilai murni" to write after it took me about 5 minutes. I brought sweets but I was too ashamed to eat in that silent exam hall, so I decided to walk to the toilet to consume. At the end, I got an A2 for this subject (Yes, for once I must blame T1DM!).
  8. Sometimes I was just too overexerting, especially when others wanted to help when I was hypo. I would be telling them repeatedly that I am okay. I am okay. Okay but still extremely blur.
  9. Went to class/work without my Actrapid. Spent the day without eating any lunch. (Not eating enough carbo causes hyper also)
  10. Weather was so hot that I didn't care so much about the Ais Batu Kacang carbo content. Finished whole thing then only I replaced insulin for it.
Guess there are more #donotjudgeme incidents. Sometimes, T1DM is taking so much of my time that I just felt like:
I couldn't take this anymore! I want to be a rebel like everyone else! Stop all the restrictions TMD I want freedommmmm. Argh. 

Anyhow, the next day, still, the schedule repeats.

Happy birthday to my best partner. 
You are the last one who would judge me when the rest in the world are already staring at me.
Thanks for the overwhelming love.

For you, my favourite quote:
Love you more than a low diabetic loves carbs :p

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