
Beating the Bloat

Title adapted from one lecture by Prof. Peter Gibson, Monash University, Melbourne.

During my internship year in UKM Medical Centre and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, or even during those days studying in University, NONE of the lecturers or dietitians mentioned about FODMAPs. 

F - Fermentable
O - Oligosaccharides
D - Disaccharides
M - Monosaccharides
A - And
P - Polyols

Just got the latest publication of Gastroenterology Journals (January 2014) from my boss to read. January's HIT TOPIC is finally FODMAP! A rather new topic to the Malaysia's dietitians, but the reason to prescribe this diet is not new at all, the most familiar, usual, recurrent syndrome presenting to gastroenterologist everyday.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is categorized into four categories, namely: IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant), IBS-C (constipation-predominant), IBS-M (both diarrhea and constipation alternating) and IBS-U (neither diarrhea nor constipation). However, the very frequent complaint that I heard from patients are bloating, belching, burping and flatulence. I believe very much in some food can potentially worsen the "wind problem", other than bacteria in your colon. And FODMAP can definitely beat the bloat up to 80% in most patients!

And of course, before you start finding an experienced dietitian to consult you on this diet. You must make sure the gastroenterologist has ruled out all other diseases first. We do not want to risk your life, missing any of the organic diseases. Medical diagnosis should be made and confirmed by the specialist doctor. After diagnosis of IBS is confirmed by the gastroenterologist, now it is the time for DIET THERAPY by dietitian (never ever try practicing this diet by yourself!).

I don't know if you are like me. If I can choose, I would like to be on a whole-life diet therapy for my T1DM, without depending on insulin. I would choose to have a whole-life diet therapy, rather than a whole-life medication-poking treatment. Okay, insulin is a hormone, not medicine. (So, am I like hormone imbalance now? loll)

When we talk about nutrition or any new diet therapy, we must first look at the evidence before we start to recommend. Although the scientific evidence on positive effect of reducing high FODMAPs food in IBS has so far been relatively limited, but good news is the research is growing and accumulating over the last few years! More and more studies are showing us that gastrointestinal symptoms can be lessened through diet therapy, though there is no cure in IBS, but symptoms can be controlled, just like T1DM :)

I love how nutrition and diet can help us not only to enjoy healthy food, but also to control diseases and symptoms. I know how terrifying and disheartening it is to know that some diseases are incurable. Despite all the bad news that come together with your disease, at least you know you are still in control of it. Never lose hope. 

Diet therapy is not a cure, but it is your sword in the battle :)  

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