
Food for Thought

I really don't mind working 10 hours a day if I can get back something good in return.
Either is money, friendship, knowledge or reputation. Of course the two latter one are what I matter the most now.
The money will come when you have the experiences. So, bear in mind: Everyday, I might get back something of the above four from that particular boss or company or client. And of course, I must get these four in an incremental basis. Today must be more than yesterday. If not, find alternatives.

Search for FOOD, even when you're hungry. Not when you're already starving.


Currently I am figuring out the best practical way to lose weight. Have been reading other blogs about weight loss. All are about "Mindful eating", "Eat Nutrient-densed food", "Eat more, exercise more", "Rebel dieting" and etc. Talking about all measures, but rarely about intense calorie counting. 

Seriously have to figure out a better way of channelling my ideas to patients/clients' head. I have already encountered one uncle today, whom the moment he knew I am dietitian, he said: "Oh no, she will be asking me to stop eating all my favourite food and drinks. Like that I can't enjoy my life anymore la." 

Uncle, I am not here to make your life miserable. Never. Nutrition has always been colourful and I will never change the way nutrition looks! I am not here to sell you a product or supplement. I am here to sell you my knowledge, rather than my service. I sell you Food for THOUGHT.

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